
Together, we can build products that you thought you couldn’t.
Thanks to our in house 5-axis CNC mill, 3D printers and our seasoned pit crew we can build your physical prototypes fast and cost-effectively. A physical sample of your model or iteration of your product can be build just to test a concept or process or just get the first “feel” of the product before the actual mass production.  Over the years of developing various products, we have a pretty good idea of where to order parts for your prototype in case we are not able to manufacture in house. Let our team make those complicated tasks easy for you.

Visualize your product digitally throughout the product development process.
We at OLDBAC use digital prototyping design to meet various design objectives. On top of the design and function analyses, we can run various 3D Model analyses (such as strength, fatigue and modal frequency) on your 3D model. A digital prototype helps you get feedback from a number of areas before a product is manufactured. By doing so, It will reduce the risks, development cost and time-to-market.

The digital prototype can be build using 3D scanning and Reverse Engineering or just it can be 3D modelled from scratch.

Let’s talk shop

Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimu